API Testing Features
SoapUI is the world's leading Functional Testing tool for SOAP and Web Service testing. With its easy-to-use graphical interface, and enterprise-class features, SoapUI allows you to easily and rapidly create and execute automated functional, regression, and load tests. In a single test environment, ReadyAPIvides complete test coverage - from SOAP and REST-based Web services, to JMS enterprise messaging layers, databases, Rich Internet Applications, and much more. And that's just the beginning.
Functional Testing
SoapUI is the Swiss-Army knife of automated Functional and Regression Testing. Powerful and innovative features help you validate and improve the quality of your services and applications. Best of all, you don't have to be a developer to write Functional Tests in SoapUI. So whether you're creating new TestSuites, adding TestCases, or adding assertions to your TestCases, it's all amazingly simple and easy.
Drag and Drop Test Creation
Enhance your productivity with a code-free test environment. Create and run even the most complex test scenarios with drag and drop actions.
Complex Scenarios
Perform and validate a login procedure while testing your enterprise messaging and capturing client-server SOAP traffic. All at once!
Test Debugging
Improve your test quality and follow test flows step-by-step with the long-awaited ReadyAPI Test Debugging. The Debugging Interface simplifies following Test Flow, Variables, Properties, Requests, Context and much more making test creation and improvement more streamlined.
Data-Driven Testing
Creating data-driven tests in ReadyAPI is remarkably easy. Use the DataSource TestStep to read and loop test data from external sources, including Excel, XML, JDBC, and Files.
Test Coverage
With its breakthrough Web Services Coverage, SoapUI lets you dynamically analyze how well your SOAP or REST Service contract is covered by your Functional Tests.
Multi Environment Support
If you’re running your tests in different environments, such as staging and production, you’ll love this. In SoapUI 4.5 you are able to quickly change test setup depending on target environment.
Service Simulation (Mocking)
SoapUI MockServices let you mimic - and create robust tests against - Web Services before they are implemented. They eliminate the expense of building full-scale replicas of your production systems and enable consumers to access the services without having to wait for them to be built or available. You can simulate any desired behavior, no matter how complex, and completely configure service responses.
Auto Mock Creation
SoapUI is loaded with enterprise-class features. It takes a WSDL from your desired location and automagically generates the MockService and its methods for you.
Custom Responses
Insert a Property Expansion in any element to fill it programatically, change the dispatch to specify different MockResponses to be sent out, and more.
Real Services
Mimic your Real Web Services without having to wait for them to be ready or accessible. Best of all, you don't have to build expensive full-scale replicas of your production systems.
SoapUI lets you create simulations that comply with accepted WSDL, SOAP, or HTTP standards in just a few clicks. That means a client will use the simulations as if they were real services.
Simulation Coverage
Easily measure the degree to which your WSDL is simulated and utilized by Mock clients. And SoapUI automatically aggregates the coverage statistics at Project, TestCase and TestSuite levels.
SoapUI allows for mocking of both REST and SOAP APIs.
Easy REST Setup 
By using SoapUI's REST Discovery feature you can seamlessly create a REST Mock by using the recorded responses and headers you received when recording your interactions.
More Features
- Static Content Mocking
- Scripting
- SSL Support
Security Testing
Using a complement of tests and scans, protect your services on websites against the most common security vulnerabilities.
Test Generator 
With the ReadyAPI Security Test Generator you can create a complete set of vulnerability scans. With just a few mouse clicks you will have a full blown hacker simulation. Instant Security!
SQL Injection
Secure your database. Send in Malicious SQL statements in order to make sure it's not possible to get access to or weaken your databases.
XML Bomb
A document of extreme size can cause instability, make your systems inaccessible or make your system an attack vector. The XML Bomb scan will examine whether your system is vulnerable to stack overflows.
Cross Site Scripting
Does your Service expose the parameters it uses in its messages? This is a common mistake leading to Cross Site Scripting scans.
Fuzzing Scan
Send random texts to you Service in order to provoke unknown errors, buffer overflows, stack traces, or find string vulnerabilities. Help system hardening greatly by running Fuzzing Scans.
Boundary Scan
Sending in data at the boundary of allowed values or in direct opposition of the allowed values may cause your system to behave erratically or display unwanted information. Harden your system against boundary conditions.
More Features
- Malicious attachment
- Custom script
- XPath Injection
- Invalid Data
- Malformed XML
Load Testing
In SoapUI, you create advanced load tests quickly and easily on the base of existing functional API tests.
Make a step forward and migrate your load tests to ReadyAPI ReadyAPI – the next generation web-service testing tool that provides superior load testing experience: distributed and cloud testing, real-time server monitoring, advanced scripting, and more.
Click and Run Tests
Create load tests in SoapUI from existing functional tests with just a right-click.
Pre-Built Load Strategies
Select one of pre-defined load strategies - Simple, Fixed-Rate, Variable, or another - to simulate various test conditions easily.
Performance Validation
Use built-in assertions to check your web service performance and to ensure that it matches user expectations.
More Features
- Best practices load and performance metrics
- Built-in scheduler for virtual user start

- Really rich statistics

- Transaction test log

Technology Support
Building applications or services based on a variety of protocols? Loaded with advanced technologies, ReadyAPIvides support for all the common protocols and standards. So whether you want to test and deploy SOAP services or Flex/Flash web applications, SoapUI has got you covered.
Easily import, test and validate your WSDL and SOAP-based services – no matter how complex. Using SoapUI's advanced editors, everyone can get involved, from developers to QA and business teams.
Test your REST Services and their resources with a couple of clicks. Add as many REST resources or custom methods to your services as you like. Then validate their responses, and more.
Web and HTTP(S)
Automate the creation of typical usage scenarios by interactively recording web usage from within SoapUI, and get detail-level insight into the HTTP(S) traffic. Then replay those actions as standard Functional Tests.
With just a few clicks, you can create scenarios to test your Rich Internet Applications (RIAs), spot bottlenecks, and fine-tune them prior to deployment.
Intuitive and rich exploration and analysis of databases. Test and verify input and results from any JDBC database while testing your Web services and applications.
Fully integrated with HermesJMS, SoapUI lets you send and receive both text and binary messages from many JMS providers. JMS testing has never been easier.
More Features
- WS-I Integration
- WS-Security
- WS-Addressing
- WS-Reliable Messaging
- OAuth 2 Support
SoapUI packs advanced end-to-end automation features, allowing you to dramatically reduce labor costs and improve your time-to-market. Using the Command-Line tools bundled with SoapUI, you can run your Functional/Load Tests and MockServices from just about any task scheduler, or as an integrated part of your build process. You can even customize the test execution to override test parameters, control what tests to run or output, and much more.
Run your SoapUI tests and mocks within a Maven build with simple commands. And, if you don’t want to run an entire project, you can specify only the TestCases or TestSuites you want to run.
SoapUI makes Continuous Integration with Hudson easy, too. The benefits are two-fold: the development process is always running and finding bugs is easier.
Integrate and run your tests within a Bamboo build just by typing a few simple commands. Automation and integration - for a quicker and more efficient testing.
Use the TestRunner - the feature that launches the Command-Line tools from within SoapUI- to run and control the execution of your SoapUI tests from JUnit.
With the powerful SoapUI's Command-Line tools, you can also run and customize your tests within an ANT automated build.
Your Choice System
Using Continuous Integration Tools other than the ones already listed? With SoapUI you can run your Functional/Load Tests and MockServices from any tool.
With powerful and integrated analytics, ReadyAPI makes your testing faster than ever and saves you countless hours. Instantly create comprehensive yet easy-to-understand reports for Functional and Load Tests from within the UI at Project, TestSuite, TestCase and LoadTest levels. And with virtually no effort on your part, you can export your reports into any standard format and customize them any way you like.
A big part of what makes SoapUI great is the universe of the open source community and partners around it, who have accelerated the pace of innovation on SoapUI. Another reason SoapUI is so great is that it allows anyone to develop their own set of SoapUI features as SoapUI Plugins. And ReadyAPI adds award-winning support from the SmartBear team.
Third-Party Plugins
SoapUI makes it easy for developers to add their own plugins. Plugins such as Agiletestware, SOA DataPro, TestMaker, and Pegamento make for a richer testing experience.
Vibrant Community
Our community spans the globe. It has people from all walks of life - from those tinkering in their garages to those working on applications within companies.
Expert Support 
ReadyAPI comes with expert advice and world-class support available via a ReadyAPI-exclusive forum and e-mail. And you also get a world of online resources at SoapUI.org.
More Features
- Floating Licenses

No one knows APIs better than SmartBear. Find out what our Pro version of SoapUI can do to improve your testing.