Launching the TestRunner from within SoapUI

Here we've specified some initial settings to run the current TestCase, in the Report tab we can specify which reports to generate:

Now if we run the testrunner we get:

Scrolling back up in the opened window we can see the actual command issued at the command-line:

Copy and paste this into your favorite automation tool for rerun these tests as configured.
Automate import of results
If you configured TestRunner as shown above, it will generate a readable PDF report at the end of the run. If you are integrating TestRunner command as part of your Continuous Integration (CI) automation, you can generate the results in a parsable way for your CI program to consume:
- Generate JUnit reports that creates XML formatted report a CI program can parse
- Use data export feature to export data in XML or CSV format that a CI program can then parse
- You can use the "-r" parameter for TestRunner script to print the results to the console. This is equivalent to checking "Print Report" checkbox in 'Reports' tab as setup in directions above.
Then you can scrub console output for number of passed and failed test cases